Earn Above Market Value for Your Insurance Agency
Sell Insurance Agency
I provide full service sell-side mergers and acquisition services for insurance agencies and insurance brokerages. I work with a very large personal network of active and serious, well-qualified institutional buyers whom are actively seeking to acquire insurance agencies, insurance brokerages and books of business throughout the United States; including Alaska and Hawaii. I provide comprehensive full-service sell-side transaction advisory services which include the following:
Gathering the initial required detailed financial information from the seller regarding the subject agency for sale. This allows the process to move quicker, smoother and more efficiently since I can quickly gain expert knowledge of your agency upfront and will be in possession at the sales process outset of all documents and information that will be requested by all prospective buyers.
Proper detailed valuation analysis including necessary income statement adjustments to determine the correct market value asking price based upon current market conditions, market demand and book of business characteristics. The market value asking price is based upon adjusted EBIT, adjusted EBITDA, annual commission revenue and SDE (Seller’s Discretionary Earnings); as well as book of business characteristics such as types of policies, retention rates, age and size of book, industry and geographical diversification of book, and number of total policies and total clients, etc. We do not just take annual commission revenue and multiply by 2, because this is sloppy, incorrect, inaccurate and unprofessional; because in today’s market your agency could very likely be worth materially and significantly more than this to the tune of literally hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars.
Buyer prospects are pre-screened to ensure that they are serious and well-qualified professionally and financially to ensure that zero time is wasted on unqualified buyer prospects. All buyers in my extensive personal network are well capitalized institutional buyers.
The customized purchase agreement is carefully prepared and tailored to each unique transaction and always includes noncompete agreements, a non-piracy clause and specific detailed wording regarding the purchase price, all terms, down payment, and all specific payment dates and final closing date. The purchase agreement is carefully crafted in a manner specifically designed to maximize the full protection of my seller client’s financial interests.